Nothing’s more frustrating than a visit to the doctor. That’s why Help Remedies launched a line of over-the-counter products: To skip the hassles of the doctor’s office and solve simple medical issues. We first reported on this brand in the August 2008 issue of BRANDPACKAGING, and again in our 2009 Design Gallery (archives atwww.brandpackaging.comanddesigngallery.brandpackaging.com).
This past summer, Help Remedies enacted a brand redesign, adding color and four new varieties to the line-up.
“We had a package that worked and clearly conveyed the brand’s values, so we maintained major elements from that [original] design,” says Richard Fine, co-founder of Help.
Specifically, the brand kept its compostable pulp material, outline impressions of the contents on the cartons and clean branding. In turn, it added colorful frames to make the products smaller, more portable and resealable, while better differentiating each new SKU.
While the brand still uses molded paper pulp in its outer packaging, it now also makes use of a bioplastic made from corn resin. Both materials are compostable and, therefore, considered more sustainable.
The original products, Help I have a headache and Help I’ve cut myself, are joined by Help I can’t sleep, Help I have a blister, Help I have an aching body and Help I have allergies. Each variety still clearly states the problem it solves and what it contains directly on the front of the package.
With this simple approach, the brand hopes the redesign will make medicine friendlier, more accessible-and perhaps even more stylish. BP
Where to go for more information…
ChappsMalina (www.chappsmalina.com)
Little Fury (917.338.6613 orwww.littlefury.com)