When it launched in Waitrose supermarkets last month, Taste No. 5 created a stir, selling out in just days an inventory that was expected to last a month. Using ingredients that include parmesan cheese, anchovies and porcini mushrooms, the flavoring paste is based on a Japanese discovery of a fifth sensation of taste known as “umami” (the four main taste sensations are sweet, salty, sour and bitter). “We’ve had stores creating customer waiting lists, and I’ve even seen it on Ebay,” says John Vine, Waitrose grocery buyer. Offered in a tube and fitted in a carton for better shelf stocking, the simple package uses bold typography and a simple cooking “splatter” graphic to stand out and reinforce the product’s culinary purpose. Taste No. 5 is available in 194 Waitrose locations in the UK.
February 2010
We Should Coco,www.weshouldcoco.com