Packaging Strategies resented Global Pouch Forum

Jennifer RonkJennifer Ronk
Sr. Sustainability and Advocacy Manager Dow

Jennifer joined Dow’s Packaging & Specialty Plastics business in 2018. In her role she collaborates with the entire value chain to end marine debris and improve plastic circularity. Her work includes serving on the board of AMERIPEN and chairing ACC’s Flexible Film Recycling Group. She also supports Dow’s global efforts on marine debris, including collaborating with the Ocean Conservancy’s Trash Free Seas Alliance.

Before joining Dow, Jennifer was a Senior Research Scientist for HARC, a sustainability research hub, where she led the Environmental Science and Energy Efficiency Programs. Prior to joining HARC, she served as the Deputy Director for the Renewable Energy and International Law (REIL) Network, a DC-based international think tank for clean energy and climate change law and policy. Prior to REIL Jennifer was the Vice-President of Applied Environmental Solutions, a consulting firm focusing on addressing soil and groundwater contamination. Jennifer earned her Master of Environmental Management Degree from Yale University.
