Kathryn Bonzo
Moscow Chater School
Education: University of South Alabama in Education 1986, M.A.T. in History from University of Idaho, 1999, presently enrolled at Walden University in MS CMHC program.
Experience: K-12 Teacher in Florida, Algeria, Singapore, The Dominican Republic, and Idaho; Troy City Councilmember 1996-2000, Moscow City Councilmember 2016-2020, Idaho League of Women Voters State Co-President, Chi Omega Advisor at Washington State University, P.E.O, LCCF Board Director
About Recycling: I have started recycling programs at several schools in the states and overseas (starting with aluminum in the 80s) because I enjoy getting kids to see how to tackle problems together. They learn purposeful action is fun and inclusive, and this type of work can have a long-lasting impact on their thinking and their community.
The Trex Challenge has been part of our school for the past 4 years. Even though the competition is over, plastic continues to be collected just as it is all year. We are over 8500 pounds to date.