Comexi has been awarded a 2017 WorldStar Award for its innovative combination of the Cingular Laser technology and lamination in register.

The jury prized the group for the development of what company officials say is the most outstanding innovation of the year in packaging processes and/or machinery. Comexi’s slitting brand manager Albert Torrent says the Cingular Laser is a “small revolution in the flexible packaging sector.” 

“It is a key technology that makes a difference and optimizes production following the latest demands and market trends,” Torrent adds.

Company officials say the Cingular Laser system saves costs in production, machinery and energy as it simplifies the process of creating a window in packaging. The system also allows the development of a solventless process in lamination or printing when desired.

The WorldStar Awards, convened by the World Packaging Organisation, will be given to the winners at Interpack, which takes place May 4-10 in Dusseldorf, Germany. 
