FPA’s Environmental, Health and Safety Summit is set for Jan. 26-27, 2016, and the deadline for the special room rate is Dec. 31, 2015. The meeting is at the TradeWinds Resort, St. Petersburg Beach, FL. The agenda has a broad impact on the flexible packaging industry, and the meeting is open to FPA members and non-members.

Some key agenda issues:

  • EPA Update.
  • EPA’s Risk Management Plan.
  • OSHA Update.
  • Global Health & Safety Standard, ISO 14001.
  • 2012 Hazard Communications Standard.

Expect senior officials from EPA and OSHA at the meeting along with flexible packaging industry professionals. In addition to insights from presentations, networking with regulators and peers is a significant Summit benefit.


To Learn More

For details on hotel reservations and Summit registration, go to www.flexpack.org. Click on “Register for the 2016 EHS Summit.”