ABB has introduced a digital appraisal service designed to enable industrial operators to maximize energy efficiency and boost sustainability by identifying motor-driven equipment in its facilities with the best energy saving potential.

The company says its Digital Powertrain Energy Appraisal service uses a plug-and-play approach to simplify energy efficiency assessments by pulling operational data remotely from an entire fleet of variable frequency drives (VFDs) and digitally connected electric motors used in refiners, process pumps, fans and conveyor belts. This provides deeper insight into the business case and carbon footprint benefits of upgrading to high efficiency motor driven systems.

"The challenge for an industrial operator is knowing where to start in a fleet of hundreds of electrical motors," says Adrian Guggisberg, division president of ABB motion services. "ABB developed the new Digital Powertrain Energy Appraisal service to provide clarity by analyzing motor data and identifying where businesses should focus investment to maximize energy efficiency gains that reduce operating costs and CO2 emissions."