The cannabis industry faces no shortage of growing pains as it transitions from a cottage industry to big business. One of its challenges includes developing professional-grade packaging at scale. Undercapitalized vendors, inefficient product designs and delivery systems dominate the eco-system, and while many companies struggle with those problems, Budpack has made it a point to uncover solutions.

Specifically, the brand has designed an innovative new line of flexible pouches for the marijuana industry. Its child-resistant pouches made their debut at the Cannabis Business Summit & Expo last July.

Child safety advocates will particularly appreciate Budpack’s CFR 1700 rating, which makes it compliant with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Poison Prevention Act. Parents can also feel safe knowing that the product is safely secured in FDA-compliant food-grade material with closure systems that protect children from accidental ingestion. The pouches also block odors.

Budpack containers offer the lightweight, portable, and cost-effective benefits of its ubiquitous plastic bag predecessor - except with many more advanced features. They can be custom printed with eye-popping graphics and heat sealed with tamper-evidence features. 

The pouches come in sleek, right-sized forms that are less bulky than bottles and jars. They are also more versatile. Budpack works equally well for containing flowers, extracts, edibles and topicals, making it a single-line solution for a wide variety of cannabis product types.

Another benefit: Flexible pouches hold a lot of product with very little waste. Compared to tin or glass options, pouches weigh less and require less energy to manufacture, both of which create cost savings. Shipping and storage space are also reduced, as is the area needed in landfills at the end of life.

For a young industry where the only constant is change, Budpack’s new pouches symbolize the evolution that’s taking cannabis from the back room to the showroom.

