Throughout June and July, Pride events celebrating equality and inclusivity take place around the U.K. and other countries. And for the past two years, Skittles has "given up" its iconic multicolored candies and packaging, "because during Pride only one rainbow matters."

This year, Skittles worked with Straight Forward Design to take the concept of giving up the Skittles rainbow in celebration of Pride even further. Skittles wanted the LGBTQ+ community to be directly involved for 2019. SoStraight Forward Design collaborated with artists who identify as part of the community to create original, limited-edition designs, giving them a platform on which to communicate their thoughts and feelings about Pride.

Four LGBTQ+ artists were approached to take part, and then presented with the brief: ‘What does the Pride flag mean to you?’ They were free to interpret the question as they wished, the only restrictions being pack dimension and number of colors.

Straight Forward Design reworked the design architecture on pack, creating space for the artists to communicate what Pride means to them with real authenticity – and allowing for further limited-edition projects in the future.