Fresh Express, a wholly owned subsidiary of Chiquita Brands, unveiled theYour Salad Storymicro-site and Leaf Locator tool that enables consumers to identify the growing region of their particular salad product. They can also follow the journey of Fresh Express salads from seed to store shelf. 

Consumers can quickly identify their salad's growing region by entering a specific Leaf Locator code printed on the outside of the package. The Fresh Express Leaf Locator code is now available on 60 salad varieties and package sizes (excluding coleslaw and organic salads) in more than 24,000 grocery stores nationwide. 

"Fresh Express is empowering consumers with a comprehensive resource and tool to learn more about our salads, where they come from and the extreme care taken to deliver the freshest and most delicious salad in the market," said Fernando Aguirre, chairman and chief executive officer of Chiquita. "This new level of engagement will further enhance the trust consumers place in the Fresh Express brand and underscores our commitment to invest in new advancements, technologies and practices that benefit our consumers."