The latest reports indicate that the U.S. recycling rate for aluminum beverage cans reached 65.1% last year. The Aluminum Association, Can Manufacturers Institute (CMI) and Institute of Scrap Recycling (ISR)  stated that 61 billion cans were recycled in 2011, a 7% increase from 2010’a 58.1%.  Statistics indicate that this rate is more than double that of other beverage containers, driven by a 25% increase in imports.

There has also been a rise in demand for recycled aluminum and used beverage containers (UBCs), due to the infinite recyclability of aluminum cans and due to the fact that can-to-can closed loop process happens in 60 days.

The Aluminum Association’s Can Committee, which is made up of Alcoa, Tri-Arros Aluminum and Golden Aluminum say the target of the industry is a 75% recycle rate by 2012.