Give Your Brain a Buzz. For those who have grown weary of mere sports drinks, Brain Toniq touts itself as the “world’s first cognitive enhancement drink”. Packaged in a paperboard sleeve with a large “IQ” die-cut window, the multi-pack contains four cans of the organic, botanical-based, non-caffeinated “think drink” in a single row. An entry perforation at the top allows consumers to remove one can at a time without destroying the packaging. (Package design: MalowanyPerlmutter Creative, www.bestcoloradodesign.com; Paperboard: All Packaging Company, www.allpack.com)
Package Promises Slimmer Waistline. Multi-Grain Cheerios are a low-calorie extension of General Mills’ well-known cereal brand. Packaging for the line extension uses a shaped carton to clearly communicate the benefits of the dietary product: a slimmer silhouette. Despite its unique shape, the integrity of the offset-printed carton was not compromised, and the package meets all requirements with regard to storage, distribution, warehousing and display. (Paperboard: Graphic Packaging International, www.graphicpkg.com)
A Box Full of Magic. The first five installments of what will be the seven-movie Harry Potter collection are cleverly stowed away inside packaging designed to simulate the young wizard’s travel trunk. The Harry Potter Years 1-5 Limited Edition Gift Set is packaged in a round-cornered trunk made of chipboard wrapped in Hyflex Chrome and then antiqued with an overall embossed pattern. Inside, Disc Packs are held in place with a black grosgrain ribbon, a Velcro closure and foil-stamped embossed “wax” seal of the Harry Potter logo. (Package design and paperboard: Shorewood Packaging, www.shorewoodpackaging.com)