Brand owner Cosmos Corporation faced a challenge: While its TropiClean pet grooming prod-ucts were recognizable, the containers and visu-al branding hadn’t changed in 15 years. Vice president of marketing Darin Kasse-baum led the charge to reinvent the brand, and took an active role in the de-sign process once Cosmos partnered with Berlin Packaging for the redesign.
“Our initial discussions with the Darin centered on the bottle itself and his vision to raise the bar on packaging sustainability, but in the end, we agreed that a more comprehensive overhaul of the brand itself was in order,” says Scott Jost, director of Studio One Eleven, Berlin Packaging’s design division.
Studio One Eleven began by redesigning the TropiClean logo, transforming it into a fresher contemporized brand mark.
Designers incorporated human factors and user research findings when crafting the bottles. A cus-tom flip-top closure was designed to be opened and closed with a single hand. “Pet grooming packages repre-sent a special challenge,” explains Jost. “In addition to being right-sized for the user’s hands, they must be suited to one-handed use by a distract-ed pet owner in a wet environment.”
The brand achieved its sustainability goals as well, introducing the first 100 percent biodegradable container in the category. The bottle and sleeve are made from the Ingeo biopolymer and completely biodegrade within 180 days in a commercial compost landfill.
Where to go for more information…
Studio One Eleven (312.822.0111 or www.studio111design.com)
NatureWorks LLC (800.664.6436 or www.natureworksllc.com)