If necessity is the mother of invention, it follows that, when many outdoor venues banned glass for safety reasons, marketers would devise a solution that allows us to enjoy our favorite beverages in these locations. That's exactly what the team at Al Fresco Wines’ Trencherman group did.

It’s often said that necessity is the mother of invention, so it follows that when many outdoor venues banned glass for safety reasons, marketers would devise a solution that allows us to enjoy our favorite beverages in these locations. Take Al Fresco Wines’ Trencherman “ready to drink” Chardonnay. Two unbreakable PET wine glasses are pre-filled and foil-sealed, then tucked into a flexo-printed paperboard sleeve that carries the brand’s messaging. Marketed as perfect for picnics, BBQs, days on the beach and afternoons in the garden, the product is simply chilled, peeled and then enjoyed by the consumer. (photo courtesy GNPD, www.gnpd.com)