CPA, The Association for Contract Packagers and Manufacturers, and The European Co-Packers Association (ECPA) are now in collaboration. With shared missions of furthering the awareness and use of the contract packaging and contract manufacturing (CP/CM) industry in their respective regions, this collaboration presents expanded opportunities to the members of each organization on a global scale.

“Both ECPA and CPA have the same objective, we serve the needs of member companies through continuing education, market knowledge and customer relationships,” said Marc van den Maagdenberg, board member at ECPA. “Together we represent a large part of the CP/CM industry worldwide which will result in an even stronger base to support the industry and our members. As a result, brand owners, manufacturers and retailers are able to resource CP/CMs worldwide.”

To kick-off this partnership, CPA has shared it’s recent “Why Use a CP/CM?” video with ECPA. This video was created to help the potential customers of CPA and ECPA members to decide whether or not a contract packager or manufacturer is right for their business needs.

“There are so many reasons brand owners and CPGs might turn to a CP/CM and potential customers may have a lot of questions,” said Ron Puvak, managing director at CPA. “We created this video for CPA members to use as part of their marketing efforts. Sharing this with potential customers may help them decide how best to engage a CP/CM. By sharing this video with ECPA, we can broaden our promotion of the CP/CM industry on a global scale.”

CPA and ECPA are working on other ways to heighten their collaboration in the future. To learn more about CPA, visit To learn more about ECPA, visit