Matrox Imaging(www.matrox.com/imaging/en) announces Matrox Design Assistant 3.0, the latest release of its flowchart-based integrated development environment (IDE) for the Matrox Iris GT smart camera line.
The Iris GT smart camera and Design Assistant software bundle has always offered full-featured hardware, an intuitive flowchart-based development environment and field-proven vision tools. With Design Assistant 3.0, it’s become even faster and easier for users to design their application’s flowchart and human machine interface (HMI). Plus, Matrox Imaging now offers optional advance replacement and extended warranties for these smart cameras.
Design Assistant 3.0 smart camera software simplifies and accelerates HMI design with more ready-made operator view layouts. The new analysis status step consolidates decision making and simplifies flowchart design, while filmstrip views ensure that previously analyzed images are close at hand. Release 3.0 also permits monitoring and controlling multiple smart cameras via a multi-camera HMI application and provides support for PROFINET communication, which allows for direct interfacing to automation devices. This latest version of Design Assistant includes other enhancements that improve productivity and the appearance of the operator interface.
The Matrox Iris GT smart camera with Matrox Design Assistant is intended for system integrators, machine builders and OEMs who need to quickly configure and deploy machine vision applications. Matrox Design Assistant is an intuitive, versatile, and extendable integrated development environment (IDE) where applications are created by constructing a flowchart. Video capture, analysis, location, measurement, reading, verification, communication and I/O operations, as well as a web-based operator interface, are all set up within the single IDE.