The Meijer supermarket chain has upgraded one of its store brands and revamped the packaging graphics to reflect the changes.More...

The Meijer supermarket chain has upgraded one of its store brands and revamped the packaging graphics to reflect the changes. Meijer Gold was introduced in 2005 as a premium version of everyday items. The new version of Meijer Gold, rolled out in November, features more than 80 items, all of them either made by a local company within the Meijer footprint, or by a family-owned business. The packaging graphics feature common elements, including a black band with the logo and larger gold panels with the product name, and a narrow strip with high-quality product photos. The label tells the story behind the product, such as mustard from an old German recipe by a long-time Midwestern company, or salsa from an acclaimed family-owned Southern California producer.