Last week, BRANDPACKAGING wrapped up its seventh annual Packaging That Sells conference. (Thanks again to all of our speakers, sponsors and attendees!)
The first day of the conference, we displayed packages to be featured in this year’s hardbound Design Gallery book. These packages were chosen by the BRANDPACKAGING editorial team and judged on structural or graphic innovation, how they appeal to consumer/shopper needs, how they enhance the in-use experience, and how they elevate the role of packaging in marketing.
Of course, we believe them all to be unique and innovative packages, but everyone has their favorites. So, like we’ve done in past years, we decided to let our Packaging That Sells attendees choose their favorites.
At the end of the first day, more than 100 votes were collected and counted for the awards announcement the next morning. When editor-in-chief Pauline Hammerbeck stepped up to the microphone Friday morning to announce the results, the room went silent. It was an exciting moment for everyone in attendance … Had enough suspense? Well, here are the winners:

The Bronze Award went to Backyard Farms for its Cocktail Tomatoes.
The Silver Award ended in a tie between the Red Truck Minibarrel and Plum Organics baby food.
And The Gold Award went to Kimberly-Clark for its Kleenex Slice of Summer packaging.
Thanks everyone for voting! We can’t wait to show you this year’s Design Gallery book. Look for it at the end of December/beginning of January!
*If you’d like to pre-order BRANDPACKAGING’s Design Gallery Vol. 7, visit our new Shop page.