Tropicana is testing a new portable kids snack, Tropicana Tropolis-a smooth blend of squeezable fruit that is packaged in a colorful pouch. Available in cherry, grape and apple varieties, Tropolis offers 100 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin C and contains no added sugars, artificial sweeteners, flavors, preservatives or colors. The lively package features the fruit-themed, imaginary Tropicana Tropolis World that sprouts from the top of an apple, cherry or grape. The Tropicana Tropolis World-theme carries over to the internet, where kids can learn about fruit through interactive games. Tropicana Tropolis began testing in late January in 20 markets primarily in the Midwest, with a few in the Southeast, and, if successful, expanded distribution will begin in 2012.
January 2011
Package design
Tropicana,www.tropicana.com; Sterling Brands,www.sterlingbrands.com