Abbeys (Las Abadías) were strongholds of knowledge during dark times — places where light, culture and reason found refuge in the Middle Ages. The abbots dedicated themselves to the passing on and spreading of their wisdom, and only in a place as pure as the abbeys could the origin of beer be found. Facing up to the challenge of industrial beers, Abadía Española, one of the first craft breweries in Spain, has launched new recipes with a renewed modern image that honors the past. Branding and graphic design agency TSMGO, based in Logroño, La Rioja, Spain, was chosen to create powerful packaging that remains faithful to the brand’s artisanal essence. The packaging’s simple design, evocative and austere, features illustrations of Romanesque architecture on a pure white background. The labels are printed with fluorescent inks that glow in the dark, a reference to the illuminating figure which abbeys were and to bring light to this delicately crafted drink. A commemorative message about the abbots is superimposed on the illustrations.