AIMCAL TV, a new educational and training benefit for members of the Association of International Metallizers, Coaters and Laminators (AIMCAL), presents technology basics, defect control and troubleshooting advice along with market information and member videos.

“AIMCAL TV broadcasts educational and productivity-enhancing content to both novices and veterans in the converting industry,” says Craig Sheppard, executive director of AIMCAL. “It also presents profiles and products of member companies."

One highlight of the AIMCAL TV schedule for March 2017, Adhesion and Adhesives for Converters, is an AIMCAL Converting School course taught by Professor Steven Abbott, Ipswich, U.K. Chapter 3 of 12 will be broadcast on March 30, 2017, followed by subsequent chapters each month. Earlier chapters may be viewed on-demand from the Members Only section of the AIMCAL website,

The program schedule for March 30, 2017, also includes

  • Design for Manufacturing: Machines by Dr. David Roisum of Finishing Technologies, Inc., Neenah, WI;
  • Strong Adhesion, the third episode in Adhesion Basics by Professor Abbott;
  • Online Quality Systems Reduce Defect Losses by Dr. Ed Cohen of Edward D. Cohen Consulting Inc., Fountain Hills, AZ;
  • A discussion of Trim and Bleed Slitting by Dave Rumson, slitting consultant/educator, Portland, ME; and
  • Magnetron Sputtering – Part 2: The Basics by Dr. Charles Bishop of C.A. Bishop Consulting Ltd., Loughborough, U.K.

AIMCAL TV content also includes videos submitted by members such as technical presentations, member profiles and product/company messages. Archived programming is searchable and organized into seven channels: Adhesives, Coatings and Substrates; Market Overview; Slitting; Special Interest; Vacuum Web Coating; Web Coating; and Web Handling.