A new line of instant oatmeal from Malt-O-Meal comes in single-serve pouches that double as measuring cups. Better Oats is packaged in a paperboard carton whose top tears off to allow easy dispensing of five single-serve pouches of about 1.5 ounces each. The pouches are sized and marked so that after consumers empty the content into a microwave-safe bowl, they can use the pouch to measure how much water to add. Malt-O-Meal is going after PepsiCo’s Quaker Oats in a taste test to be held Sept. 13-20 in five somewhat whimsically chosen cities: Quakertown, Pa.; the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia (home of the Penn Quakers); Quaker Square in Akron, Ohio (the original home of Quaker Oats); Chicago (the current home of Quaker); and finally, Minneapolis, Malt-O-Meal’s headquarters.