In an effort to bring nostalgia back to the Good Humor brand, designers at Anthem Worldwide created a new logo. But to do so, they first had to lose its previous Heartbrand logo.
Reactions to the change seen onwww.underconsideration.comseem mixed. From what I can tell, the question crossing everyone’s minds seems to be-why the change of heart?
Until recently, the Heartbrand, or heart logo, appeared on Unilever ice cream products across the globe, but under different names depending on the geography. And while that logo may still be effective in other markets, it wasn’t reaching its full potential in the U.S., according to an Anthem spokesperson. The goal for the brand was to help consumers recall positive childhood memories. To remember the days when they didn’t have a care in the world. When they could interrupt playtime to catch the Good Humor truck as it came around the corner. But the catch is, depending on age, not every Good Humor consumer will have these memories.
The brand’s target consumer is between 25 and 45 years old, and likely remembers a childhood with the Good Humor ice cream truck in it. That’s why the brand features a truck illustration, and also the reason for its use of color and typography. When consumer research was conducted, it found that the typography and color blue used in the new logo appealed to consumers because it was similar to the color and lettering used on the old Good Humor trucks. They also found the idea of illustrating a truck appealing. So when it came down to choosing the new, official logo for the U.S., consumer research was key. Anthem tested graphic interpretations of the ice cream truck’s music, the Good Humor man, the truck, the Heartbrand, and even a mixture of the heart with blue typography. In the end, the consumers overwhelmingly favored the blue logo with the truck.
But everyone’s life experiences are different. As a result, not every consumer will be able to connect with the new logo. Speaking from the comments I read about the redesign onwww.underconsideration.com, it looks like many consumers are nostalgic about some of the brand’s past logos, instead of childhood memories.
Many of them were very attached to the heart brand and upset with the logo change. For Rob O., the heart was a good fit because he’d never seen a Good Humor truck before, amongst other reasons.
On the other hand, many enjoyed the new, retro look. For instance, Michael Wendell commented that when he thinks of Good Humor, he remembers the truck with the blue lettering. And when he walks up to the ice cream cooler, the new logo will likely entice good childhood memories.
Exactly as Good Humor had hoped.
Like I said, the new design isn’t for everyone. But is any design?
Look for more information about the Good Humor redesign in BRANDPACKAGING’s upcoming Oct/Nov issue.