Birds are a common theme on wine labels. But when South Australian winery Longview Vineyards developed the packaging for its new sparkling W.Wagtail wine, it wanted to represent the brand’s namesake-the Willy Wagtail bird (native to Australia)-in a way that would stand out from the existing “flock” of bird-themed labels.
The result is a label modeled after a bird watchers membership certificate from the 1940s. A fictitious “Longview Sparkling Wine Society” was created to reinforce the vintage feel, listing “patrons” and “committee” members who, in fact, are the individuals actually involved in producing the wine. With the Willy Wagtail bird as the centerpiece, the label establishes a local connection that’s also reinforced by the depiction of flora that grows around the vineyard.
October 2010
Package design
Voice Design,www.voicedesign.net