Commemorative jars were delivered to 160 fans of Marmite, the soy-sauce-like spread made in the UK, to announce the March release of a new “extra mature” variety called Marmite XO. The jars were developed through a social media campaign that recruited fans to become part of the “Marmarati” that would refine the flavor, share their story and, of course, receive one of the limited-edition packages. Each jar is hand-dipped in black wax and stamped with the gold crest of the “Marmarati.” Lids are finished with a watchstrap detail and individually numbered. “It’s a testament to the quality of the design that when we ‘leaked’ images of how it would look, Twitter and Facebook exploded with conversation,” says Unilever’s Tom Denyard, marketing manager for Marmite.Why brands should care: Are you reaching out to your most passionate consumers? And are they advocating on your behalf?(Package design and campaign creative: Core Design,www.coredesign.co.uk)