Packaging Strategies recently sat down Gillian Garside-Wight, Director of Consulting at Aura, to discuss the role of data in packaging sustainability.

Aura is a consulting firm that helps brand owners, packaging manufacturers and retailers identify ways to reduce the environmental impact of their packaging, using innovative data collection and technology to allow their clients to make the best and most informed decisions for their respective businesses in light of complex legislation.

“Aura is really a packaging sustainability consultancy, and what makes us unique…is that we want to use technology to help our clients perform and make proactive decisions,” explained Garside-Wight. “We built a sustainable packaging platform called ‘e-halo,’ and along with the consultancy that we offer, that is really the driving force for Aura today as far as working with our clients and helping guide them through the maze of legislation around the world.”

Garside-Wight also explained why companies are shifting toward data-driven decisions with their packaging, as opposed to the previous approach that involved more qualitative observation and evaluation.

“We can’t make these gut-feel decisions [anymore]. It has to be data-driven,” said Garside-Wight. “The reason it has to be data-driven is because it costs businesses money. Unless we understand not only the circular economy and what we want to achieve, but also the cost, then we can’t make informed decisions, so it is about having all the data required.”

To hear all of Gillian’s insights on this fascinating topic, listen to the full podcast below.